Saturday, September 30, 2006


Richard Dawkins

Una entrevista con Dr Richard Dawkins (autor de libros como "The Selfish Gene", "The Ancestors Tale", "Climbing Mount Improbable", etc) sobre su nuevo libro "The God Delusion".

Un momento gracioso está en el "2:00", cuando le preguntan:

Entrevistador: [The book says]... "God almost certainly does not exist"...
You are leaving open the possibility that he does?

Dawkins: Of course, any scientistist would leave open that possibility.
You cannot absolutely disprove the existence of anything.
So, just as we cannot disprove the existence of Thor [...] or the Flying Spaghetti Monster... We cannot be dogmatic and say it is certain that God does not exist. We can say it's as unlikely as Thor with his hammer. I could call myself an "athorist" to give the idea of that...

Qué lugar mas incómodo para una entrevista! los dos en medio de una habitación-escaparate, en sillas de comisaria, sin una mesita si quiera para poner el libro en cuestión...
Cuando dice "I don't believe we were put here to be confortable" ya no se bien a dónde se refiere con "here".
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